Neurology Nuts and Bolts: Constructing Your Career
Learn about all the things that you wish you were taught about the practice of neurology. The podcast will cover types of careers (academics, private practice, locums, concierge neurology, etc.), contracts and worth, promotional development and CV building, continuing medical education and maintenance of certification, visas, billing, challenges on the job, work/life balance, and more. Creator and Executive Producer: Sara Schaefer; Associate editors: Katherine Fu, Sana Aslam, Sagari Bette, Parneet Grewal, Proleta Datta, Thu Vu, Kim Robeson, Aparna Prabhu Sandeep, Katie Moore; Music: Audrey Nath; Artwork: Shivani Ghoshal
Neurology Nuts and Bolts: Constructing Your Career
Now What? Transition to Attendinghood in Academia
Episode 34
Katherine Fu speaks with Dr. Sara Schaefer, Assistant Professor of Neurology at the Yale School of Medicine, Associate Program Director of the Neurology Residency program and Program Director of the Movement Disorders Fellowship, and Dr. Parneet Grewal, Assistant Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina and a vascular neurologist, about the transition from training to attendinghood in academia. They cover the surprises and pitfalls, tips and tricks, networking, mentorship, time management, and more.